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KAYAK: Beginner End of the Line Padde

  • June 24, 2016
  • 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM
  • 437 McGuinness Blvd, Bklyn, NY 11222
  • 0


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If you've reached the end of the line with the rest of your life, it's time to try kayaking!

You'll learn basic kayak skills and over several sessions you will be able to join intermediate and advanced trips. 

As beginners you will use  stable Sit on Top kayaks, until you are ready for the more tippy Sit Inside Sea Kayaks.

We'll paddle over to to Annabelle Basin and back for the sunset.

Dress to get wet, bring water, a snack, etc. Kayaking is strenuous exercise to come ready for a workout.

Trip Leader: Robert DiMaio

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