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Cabin Stay at ACA Camp-Lake Sebago

  • August 05, 2016
  • 12:00 PM
  • August 06, 2016
  • 11:00 AM
  • Lake Sebago, Harriman State Park


Registration is closed

This is an event listing for one day (equivalent to one night's) visit to our lovely camp cabin at the ACA camp at Lake Sebago in Harriman State Park.  

Reminders: You must be both an ACA member and NBBC member to be allowed access to the cabin. Make sure to pay both the $10 daily fee to NBBC and the $10 daily fee to the camp.  When you arrive at the camp, sign in at the cabin (for NBBC's records) and at the ACA's camp registry in the parking lot or in the main pavilion.

Please refer to the NBBC website's information on the cabin/Lake Sebago for additional information. Also see this Google calendar for blocked-out dates and to see who else is staying at the cabin. Remember that up to 8 people can stay there at a time. 

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