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KAYAK - Overnight to Fort Wadsworth

  • May 20, 2017
  • 7:00 AM
  • May 21, 2017
  • 5:00 PM
  • NBBC


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KAYAK - Overnight to Fort Wadsworth 
Advanced only

Leave: May 20th
Meet: 7.00 AM
On water: 8.00 AM sharp
Slack:  - 11.36 AM
Arrival: 11.30 PM estimated

Return: May 21st
Leave:  13.00 PM estimated
Slack:  + 07.04 PM
Arrival: 16.30 PM estimated

Once again, Sebago Canoe Club and the National Park Service invite paddlers from area clubs to gather at Fort Wadsworth for an overnight encampment.  The trip is limited to 8 members from each club incl. Yonkers, Long Island City, North Brooklyn, Brooklyn Bridge Park, and Red Hook.  We will camp in our own tents, have joint BBQ and drinks at the campfire and with good luck, get treated to a night tour of the fort.

The paddle to the Fort is around 15 miles long and can be very challenging.  Depending on the weather conditions and our mood, we might  paddle along the Jersey shore and/or explore Swinburne Island.  Both options will add around 2 miles/each to the trip, but could be fun.

We will have to bring our own gear, incl. sleeping bag and pad, utensils, dry clothes, warm layers, food and snacks and paddle with loaded boats.  There will be running water and bathrooms at the camp site, but the next bodega is a little walk away.  More details to follow.

TL: Klaus Rosburg
TA: Tania van Bergen

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