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KAYAK: Beginners Only OPEN (creek) MOUTH!

  • June 13, 2018
  • 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
  • NBBC Boatyard, 51 Ash St., Brooklyn, NY 11222
  • 7


Up to one week before the trip, please register only if you are a beginning kayak paddler with little or no experience. Trip assistants, e-mail me if you are interested, and I will add you to the trip.
Registration is closed

Kayak: Beginners Only OPEN (creek) MOUTH

  • Skill level: Beginners Only (see what that means here).
  • Meet: 6:30pm
  • Launch: 7pm
  • Slack at 19 St.:  Low 4:19pm
  • Return: 9pm
  • Trip leader: Dewey /
  • What to wear and bring

When you check the current/tide for the trip, you see that the tide turned a couple of hours earlier.  The current should be ripping past the mouth of the creek, letting us tease the flow, practice strokes and skills and experience the sublimity of the sun setting behind the towers of Babylon.

Until a week before this trip, registration is limited to paddlers already assessed as beginners or who have never gone on a kayak trip with NBBC.

If you think you qualify as a beginner but are having trouble registering, please e-mail me at

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