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CANOE: Advanced: Bronx River Paddling and Poling Expedition

  • September 01, 2018
  • 7:30 AM - 8:30 PM
  • NBBC Boatyard, 51 Ash St., Brooklyn, NY 11222
  • 3


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CANOE: Advanced: Bronx River Paddling & Poling Expedition

  • Skill level: Advanced (see what this means here)
  • Meet: 7:30 AM
  • Gate locked: 8: 00 AM
  • Launch: 8:20 AM
  • Return: 7:30-9pm PM
  • Trip leader: Jens / theblackdane at the old gmail
  • What to wear and bring

For only the second time in the club's history we venture deep into the Bronx.  After paddling through Hell Gate (at nearly max current) and past the Brother Islands we will enter the Mouth of the Bronx river and paddle, pole and portage up thru the Bronx Zoo, and into the Botanical Gardens surrounded by the only old growth forest left in NYC, where we'll take a dip in the swimming hole before turning around and doing it all in reverse! 

This is a trip for advanced paddlers.  Harder even than a Manhattan Circumnavigation but gorgeous too! It is over ten hours of paddling with almost no breaks. If you are not sure whether you are qualified for this trip, please e-mail Jens (theblackdane at the gmail) to ask. We can take only advanced paddlers who can essentially paddle all day and handle themselves in rough current.

You'll need to bring food, plenty of water, and clothes for any weather we might encounter.

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