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(Lake Sebago Cabin, 6/9- 6/15 (1-5 days)

  • June 09, 2019
  • June 15, 2019
  • Lake Sebago, Harriman State Park
  • 1


Select a stay of 1-5 days during this week when you register. Stays that span calendar weeks require separate registrations.
Registration is closed

Use this event listing to register for a stay of up to five consecutive days at our lovely camp cabin at the ACA camp at Lake Sebago in Harriman State Park.  Enter the specific days this week that you will be at the cabin in the registration form.

Important Notes

  • A "day" at the cabin is noon to noon; use of the cabin for an afternoon still counts as a day.
  • Each NBBC member must register and pay separately.
  • Cabin stays that span more than one calendar week require additional registrations.
  • You must be both an ACA member and NBBC member to use the cabin.
  • Pay the $10 daily NBBC fee through the registration form to secure your stay.
  • Pay the $10 daily camp fee when you are there.
  • Make sure to sign in at the parking lot or in the main pavilion immediately when you arrive and each day you are present at the camp.

Please refer to the NBBC website's information on the cabin/Lake Sebago for additional information.

Remember that up to 8 people can stay at a time.

Please e-mail the cabin coordinator, Erica (erica.pajerowski at the gmail), if you have problems or questions.

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