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KAYAK - Intermediate: Let's Go Paddling

  • June 02, 2021
  • 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  • NBCB Boatyard, 51 Ash St., Greenpoint, Brooklyn
  • 1


Registration is closed

  • Skill level:  Intermediate (see what this means here).
  • Meet: 5.30 PM
  • Launch: 6.00 PM - sharp
  • High Slack.: 5.15 PM
  • Return: 8.30 PM estimated
  • Trip leader: Klaus R. -
  • What to wear and bring

With the currents unfavorable, we can stay home or go paddle up the East River and against the ebb.   You will need previous kayak (decked with skirt) experience to come along and should be able to paddle at a solid pace for ca. 2 hours.   Depending on the skills and energy of the crew we might make it to Hallet's Cove and around Roosevelt Island, but we can always turn around for the ebb to take us to our homeport  ;)

Please bring plenty of drinking water and dress for the weather.

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