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CORRECTION Free Public Paddle with Kayaks!

  • June 13, 2021
  • 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • NBCB Boatyard, 51 Ash St., Greenpoint, Brooklyn

Free kayak paddling trips on Newtown Creek. No experience needed! 

Viaje en kayaks gratis en Newtown Creek. ¡No se necesita experiencia!

Public Paddles are the heart ofNorth Brooklyn Community Boathouse, a chance to show the community that the waters belong to all of us and to help our friends and neighbors find the same joy in paddling that we all know.

Trips are 30 minutes long and will use sit-on-top kayaks which seat 1 or 2 people. There is a minimum height requirement of 4'10" in order to ensure the kayak will remain balanced. Masks must be worn in the boatyard.

Because of lingering COVID concerns, from 12-2, tickets are available on Eventbrite (currently sold out). From 2-4, we welcome walk-ups and holders of physical tickets, which we are distributing to other local community organizations.

We are also looking for volunteers! If you’re interested please email and let us know what shift works best. 

Volunteer Shift 1: 10:30AM - 12:30 PM

Volunteer Shift 2: 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM

Volunteer Shift 3: 2:30PM - 4:30 PM

No experience is necessary. We are looking for help with:

  • Setting up the event

  • Waivers, PFDs, and dock help

  • Greeting the public

  • End of event packing up

Hope to see you there!

Public Paddle and Kayak Committees


¡La temporada 2021 arranca con un Pádel Público! Los Public Paddles son el corazón del North Brooklyn Community Boathouse, una oportunidad para mostrarle a la comunidad que las aguas nos pertenecen a todos y ayudar a nuestros amigos y vecinos a encontrar la misma alegría en el remo que todos conocemos.

Los viajes duran 30 minutos y utilizarán kayaks con capacidad para uno o dos personas. Hay un requisito de altura mínima de 4'10 " para garantizar que el kayak se mantenga equilibrado. Se deben usar máscaras en el astillero y en los kayaks. 

Para ser voluntario, por favor envíe un correo electrónico:

¡Espero verte allí! Comités Públicos de Padel y Kayak

NBCB sincerely thanks the Greenpoint Community Environment Fund and the Office of the New York State Attorney General and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation for financial support for our Public Paddle series.

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